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Sunday, January 2, 2011

TWINSHIP OF LOVE…The Panorama of Today

TWINSHIP OF LOVE…The Panorama of Today
By- Adrija Gupta

A very enthralling juncture of entry into this very special world dwelled by today’s so called lovers is the bewildering fact that they usually don’t say “I’ll always love you” but easily say “I love you” in what were once called love affairs. Another thing is that when couples break up, they have it the clean and easy way, no damage, no fault, at which they are adept. This is supposed to be rectitude, respect for the so called partners’ freedom. But remember, this is not how it has to be every time!
Conceivably many people don’t say “I love you” because they are honest. Maybe they don’t experience love; they confuse it with sex, with their minds too obsessed with their own fates to be victimized by love’s insane self forgetting and selflessness, the last of the authentic fanaticisms.
People today are afraid of making commitments, but the fact is that, LOVE IS COMMITMENT and so much more. Commitment is a word we usually use in our intellectual modernity to signify the absence of any real motives in the soul for moral dedication and unconditional things. Commitment is motiveless, unasked for, because the real passions are all low and covetous. A person may be sexually attracted towards the other, but that does not mean that it’s going to generate sufficient impulse for real and long lasting concern for that person.
Too much gravity on authentic things has made it impossible to trust one’s hunch, and too much seriousness about sex has made it impossible to take sex seriously.
When marriage takes place, it does not seem to come from a decision and a conscious will to take responsibilities.
Usually the scene is this way. The couple lives together for a long time, and by an almost invisible process, they find themselves married, as if they have just entered their nightmares. But then again, it does not have to be this way.
People tell such rational things about possessiveness and jealousy and so much about their dreams about the future. But when it comes to dreams about the future with a partner, they have none. They all look so sensible and seem to live in harmony with a liberal society, I feel that this planet’s full of robots without any tint of emotions. This conviction, only works for people who have had no experience of the true feelings, have never loved, have abstracted from the weave of life. There’s a huge lack of passion, hope, sense of the twin ship of love and death. Many couples who have lived together throughout their college years, leave each other with a handshake and move out into life like it was some kind of a deal. What happened to the phrase “Kill for Love”?!
Women love freedom and their capacity to chart an independent course for themselves, But they are mostly dubious that they are being used. Distrust gradually spreads through the apparently easy commerce between the sexes. There is an awful lot of bearing up, surely disagreeable, though nothing earthshaking.
They say they are in a “Relationship”. A relationship as a deal without love is what they have. Love suggests something wonderful, exciting, positive and firmly seated in the passions. They relationship that they have is gray, without a definite shape or form, without a given content, and tentative. You work in that sort of relationship, whereas love takes care of itself.
Most people wan to be wholes, but they also long to be parts. This is the reason why conversations about relationships turn out to be abstract, useless, with its whole content stored in a jar labelled “Commitment”. But again, it doesn’t have to be this way. When it comes to pure love, a person accepts the other for what they are. Many people give absentmindedness as the reason for their breakups. Here’s the twist, if it’s really love, the person will take care of the partner even more because he’ll know that his partner is absentminded, he won’t run away, and the reason behind this would be true, pure, unconditional love, because no matter what, he knows that he loves his partner anyway.
Talking of possessiveness, it is to be rooted out. It is this that becomes the root of many fights.
The phrase “He won’t respect you or marry you if you give him what he wants too easily”, turns out to be the truest and the most probing analysis of the current world. Yet, everything still remains so shallow, with the meaning of real love, lost.
People can say they don’t care, but everyone and they best of all, knows that they are being only half truthful with themselves.
In the end the fact remains a fact “True Love Conquers All”…


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