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Friday, October 1, 2010

TEEN SCREAM “Opposites attract? Not really!!!”

“Opposites attract? Not really!!!”
By- Adrija Gupta

Every other day we get to hear a teen scream, “I have had enough! It’s over!”
Breakups seem more relevant than make ups today. Ever wondered what exactly is the reason? What is the root cause?
According to science, opposites attract, but do they really? Yes, this theory goes for every single particle, but what about human mind? And especially a teen mind?
Adolescents are said to have the most fluctuating mindsets, and the 21st century juveniles obviously ranks up to number one in this category. Just think of a love story. Everyone loves love stories. The magic moments, the magical place, the skipping heartbeats, feeling of adrenaline running through the blood, the excitement, and the most important, commitment to a person and being ready to sacrifice anything at all for the loved ones. Well, yes, although these are the main ingredients of a successful love story, these are hardly to be encountered in this century. The good old days where love and emotions had the priority, are gone…
Now are the days to reach the top, the world of hard competition, where each and every single second a juvenile takes a hard decision either about their family matters, friends or love life.
For most of the teens, the word that circles their heads almost all the time is no other than “CAREER”. Not a single person desired to end up in a slum, luxuries now seems to be a necessity, and thus, the want to be on the top reeves up the engine of the hard decision making of the teens.
Now the real question comes in terms of teen relationships, do opposites really attract?
As per the latest scenario, according to the observers, when a girl and boy get to spend more time together, they get to know each other. Then they find themselves around each other almost 24X7, not actually living in the real world out of their consciousness, they create a world of their own. The reason that they are spending so much time together, without realizing they miss out small tit-bits of their own personal lives, they get attracted towards each other.
Now here come two situations.
First case: The girl and the boy of similar kind.
Second case: The girl and the boy of total contrasting natures.
Attracting is the twitch to every relation, whether it leads to disaster or ecstasy. Talking of the second case when the girl and the boy are totally different from each other, 7% couples actually makes it till the end, other 93% are left with agony.
The whole thing actually goes like this, when girl and the boy starts getting attracted towards each other, they tend to spend more and more time with the one. And when they start finding out their likes and dislikes, they end up with the conclusion that actually they are very different people. But here enticement plays its part. Even though knowing the fact that their partner is North Pole and she or he himself is South Pole, they discard theses simple yet very dominant points in the name of so called “Love”. But us that real Love?
The fact is that it is not.
In the beginning of such relationships, the couples seem to be on the seventh heaven, giving each and every second that they spare to each other, not caring what’s going on in the world around them, giving up their own interests that they have had and lived with for years just for few more hours to spend together, not realizing the end of it all. Still everything goes on fine and all of it seems just perfect.
Here comes another fact, the longest relationship that a man ever had, is and was and will be the relationship with himself. Now this very point finds its way into the perfect feel of the perfect relationship of the couples, somehow or the other, by hook or by crook, And this is when the calm sea of Love and affection starts turning into a baneful storm.
Now till this point, it is the same with both the cases with the only difference that this all happens with the couples having similar natures too. But this is where the difference is made by the couples having minds.
Coming back to the second case, the thing that happens is that both the people realizes that they have actually come away from their own selves so much that they hardly get to see even a bit of themselves in the mirror. The only difference is that who so ever realizes first, is called the criminal.
After having lost in the world filled with so called love, a person starts missing the old habits and that’s when they start apprehending that they have actually missed a lot of small tit-bits, all coming together forming a heap of regret. The regret of loosing oneself so much into the other that not a single trait of the real self is found. And this is the point when one starts reacting to even small things, one gets irritated very soon, the snore of the partner which seemed the cutest sound ever heard, now starts seeming as the most exasperating noise that is not letting you sleep…it is not actually the snore of the partner that is not letting you sleep, it is the new got regret that is at its work. And this is the point when everything starts to fall apart and the teen scream’s heard, “WE ARE DONE HERE!”
But this is not true love. Love is the most beautiful feeling that a person can feel, so powerful, so enchanting that it is considered the closest thing to magic.
And this true love is seen in the first case, when a girl and a boy of similar nature come together.
When the happy couples of first case starts realizing they have had a way better relationships with themselves, they too get frustrated and act weirdly. But the big difference comes here and that is, instead of parting away, they, as per observers, seem to solve it out. Now this is only possible because both of them are similar. The problem that one is facing, his or her partner is going through the same and thus is able to relate to the problem better than the second case.
When the couples start realizing that they are actually missing the old self, they start giving to themselves without breaking up. Now this situation is only made possible because the partners are of same kind and thus seem to go through this almost at the same time. They are also able to do this because they are able to externalize that their mates aye analogous to them and thus must be going through the same emotional flood. And they come to a conclusion with the result that permits both of them to get enough of each other to satisfy their love and their own interests.
Instead of giving every single second to each other, they return to their old schedule a bit. They are able to balance their own wants and mate’s wants.
Now here comes a very material aspect which is required for the relationships to work out. And that is mutual trust. And this is found in most of the couples of the first case. They are not scared of loosing their partners because of the less time they are spending together. But they relish the quality time that they spend together.
When this mutual trust is present in a couple, one knows that even after doing all that their partners want, satisfying himself or herself, he or she will be back home to the warm Love. The reality behind this is that when a person is satisfied with all he does, he is happy. And when he is happy, there is no place for frustration and irritation. And when there is no place for frustration and irritation, the couples boom with Love, mutual understanding, and most important, mutual trust.
With the world developing rapidly, the teens are maturing in the same pace mentally. And this very concrete truth, they seem to understand quite easily, the only difference is that everyone gets it, but no one has the solution to it. It is nothing but TRUST. Only the ones with real minds get through it all and end up having a great life after all.

Nevertheless, exceptions are always there….
It’s a chance we got to take; it’s on us to make the right choice. 

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